Buyers Agents

Are you looking for your next investment property? But not just any property, you really want to catapult your investing career forward.

The hidden risk in property is opportunity cost. Most Australian property buyers who purchase and hold for 30 years will appear to do well when comparing the initial purchase price and the eventual value. The real loss is how much better the return would have been by choosing a different strategy, buying higher quality properties or accruing more cashflow to support more purchases. It’s not about not sucking, it’s about winning by the biggest margin.

A buyers agent has a choice – they must either convince their client an average deal is a good deal, or invest much more effort + energy and leverage a skillset they may not have to source and secure a great deal in the market. And when the lost upside isn’t visible to the client, there’s little risk of their mediocrity being exposed.

Oaklane Property offers a low volume buyer’s agency focused on quality, not quantity to accelerate the growth of your portfolio. Specialising in value-add deals by acquiring and optimising assets with development and/or renovation potential. We sacrifice short term profits for a lifetime reputation. We do this by acquiring superior deals that require a large investment of resources to source and specific abilities to secure at the right price & terms.

Buy and hold – it doesn’t all have to be complicated. When we do buy simple set and forget properties for clients we like to ensure they have some sort of x-factor.

With your confirmation we will work quickly to secure them, occasionally missing out but continuing with the same enthusiasm. Using our negotiation skills, relationships and leverage as a buyer’s agent to lock in the property, price and terms that propel you forward.

Our offering is full service meaning we’re involved and working for you every step of the way from sourcing to settlement.

With your confirmation we will work quickly to secure them, occasionally missing out but continuing with the same enthusiasm. Using our negotiation skills, relationships and leverage as a buyer’s agent to lock in the property, price and terms that propel you forward.

Our offering is full service meaning we’re involved and working for you every step of the way from sourcing to settlement.

Strategies we tailor to:
  • Buy, Reno, Hold
  • Development Sites
  • Rooming Housing
  • Flipping - Buy, Reno, Sell
  • Granny Flats

Our firm offers property management. If you choose to buy through us, it is not a requirement that we manage it ongoing but it’s the attitude that we want to be involved with the growth of your portfolio long term. It’s not about doing a deal for the sake of a deal, getting paid and moving on.

Again, it comes back to aligned values and incentives.

We’re focused on rapidly building equity and cash flow, offering you swift portfolio growth to harness the power of compounding and achieve your financial aspirations, fulfilling the very purpose of your investment journey.

Once you know your budget, we can get the ball rolling and nail down a specific strategy and location.

Upon receipt of the initial deposit, we will start the hunt. Reach out industry connections + some direct to seller marketing to source off market opportunities all while keeping a keen eye on what’s popping up on the market. Presenting suitable opportunities to you on a platter - with all relevant information and due diligence completed + price advice and recommended range to buy within.


$15,000 +GST
Initial $3,000 deposit at engagement and remainder at settlement.

Project management

Optional $5,000+ GST to execute renovations on your behalf. 
 Full management of development projects is coming soon. If this is a service you would like to engage us for, express your interest and we will let you know how close we are to offering it or recommend someone in the space to assist.

Frequently Asked Questions

What areas do you service?

South East Queensland - our hyper local knowledge of the area provides us a significant advantage.  

How do you get paid?

We are paid in full by the buyer and receive no kickbacks or incentives from any other parties. We collect an initial deposit at the time of engagement and the remainder at settlement.

Do you buy off market deals?

Yes, we seek all opportunities – on market or off market. If it’s a home run, we’ll secure it.

How many buyers do you have on the books?

We are a low volume buyers agency focused on quality not quantity. Five buyers per agent is our rule of thumb.

How do I know it’s a good deal?

We’re building a reputation and a track record of home run deals. We also hope to manage the property for you ongoing, meaning we will there with you for the lifetime of the deal.